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Roads to Maturity/Vers La Maturité: Proceedings of the Second Canadian Conference on Children/Déliberations de la second Conférence Canadienne de l'Enfance Montréal, October 31-November 4, 1965

Roads to Maturity/Vers La Maturité: Proceedings of the Second Canadian Conference on Children/Déliberations de la second Conférence Canadienne de l'Enfance Montréal, October 31-November 4, 1965
Author: King, Margery
Price: $26.95
ISBN-10: 1487589239
ISBN-13: 9781487589233
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Delivery: BibliU Reader
Duration: Lifetime

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This volume contains the proceedings of the second Canadian Conference on Children which was held in Montreal in the autumn of 1965. It includes four papers given by authors all well known for their attention to the problems of children growing up in the present world and concerned here to draw attention to those they see in Canada and elsewhere.